Dear Top Woman for God
Reviewing the year that has been and I cannot help but praise God. I really felt the need to write from my heart, wear it on my sleeve and address you personally as the founder of Top Women for God.
On the 31st of December 2012 I had just handed in my last report and tied some loose ends for a client whose whirlwind 10 month contract had ended on that day but God told me the time had come. Top Women for God’s time had come. For years we had been going back and forth on a dream but the time had never been right. Funny how His time is never the time you would have picked but in hindsight He is always right. He told me to start, go, do- I am with you.
That day He gave me the name for this new platform and we immediately worked on a Facebook page that went live just as the clock was about to strike midnight to usher in the new year. Within months we had a website, Twitter handle and Pinterest presence. From then to now the theme of the journey has not changed – rollercoasters and surprises come to mind. There are times when I said Lord this is too big and all the people I need to support me are committed to other things or I don’t know how to approach them – I cannot do this on my own. He said – with me on your team you are in the majority. All you will ever need is me. The past year has had some amazing highlights and I really want to take the time out to name a few.
You, you and yes, you too
Firstly you – the readers, followers, commenters and encouragers. We are blown away by the support. We ended the year on 172 Facebook likes, 85 Twitter followers and 69 members in our LinkedIn group. Thanks for taking a chance and rallying around the vision of this platform for sisters called to the marketplace. We really appreciated the comments, emails, retweets, shares, likes, favourites and letters of support as well as suggestions on growing and improving – keep it coming. You take the time out to read every word written. This has been a team effort with you firmly in mind. God bless you. I have enjoyed being approached by some of you that recognise me and am blessed by what you say. I hope to meet more of you in 2014.
Open Doors
It seems to us wherever we have set our eyes or feet God has not only gone before us but created favor. There have been been some really generous people who have given of their time, money, connections, resources and selflessly opened up their platforms. Many of you started as strangers but are now sisters and brothers. The Father sees your heart and may He bless you for it. Because of you we are really excited about what is lined up for 2014. Think cameras, conferences, coffees and more – my lips are sealed. Watch this space!
I believe that when God gives you the dream, He sends the resources. However the people He sends must decide to heed the call. We have had some really busy women take out the time to put pen to paper and bless us. Some did not even blink an eye when we approached them and responded with an article within hours. Some gave permission and sent by faith just as we were ironing out what we were about and had no idea what it could do to their reputation.
The Articles
I am so privileged to be the first to read the completed articles before they are posted. I sometimes have to stop reading and pray as I feel God speaking to my heart. I think I can safely say we are all growing on this journey in a way that could only have been orchestrated by God himself.
The Team behind the Team
I wish I could take the credit for everything but fortunately there is a team behind me. I am thankful for the team that helps make things happen. Even though some of you are paid to do this job as a leader I know that you cannot pay for passion. Either a person puts their heart behind a vision or they don’t. I feel like all of you were handpicked by God.
I also want to thank someone who not only listened to God but came on full force. Gladys Chandia has been more than amazing. Jumping in feet first with administration,connections, business development, PR and contributions when all that was expected was the odd article. We get comments, private emails and notes about how encouraged and challenged people have been by her posts and articles. I love you and thank God for you. I cannot see how we would be where we are without you.
When I met with Thumiso Masoha to discuss possibly coming on board and helping us he only heard a few sentences of the pitch and was on board straight away. I really felt like God lead me to hound him for the beautiful website and professional presence he has helped create for us. I pray that God erases from memory any images of the site anyone might have from before you came on board. I am especially personally thankful for your patience and generous spirit. Thank you brother.
My husband, Sam Mokorosi, is a real hero and role model in this area. Many people are blown away by the way in which he encourages, cheers and supports me. If there was ever a Proverbs 31 husband, he would be it.
2013 has been nothing short of a privilege and I really look forward to what God has in store for us in the new year.
My best regards and blessings for 2014,
It is a privilege and honour to serve on the TWFG team. Thank you God for the blog, I have been blessed and continue to be blessed by it. 2014, here we come!