Partnering with God

By Jolly Mokorosi

A few days ago I was praying for the nation (South Africa) and crying out to God. I wanted to know His heart and pray His will. The first words He gave me was “The Lost”.  That was His heart, that I pray for the lost. He then carried on and told me to pray for the orphan, the widow, the poor, the vulnerable, the foreigner, the sick and against injustice. Funny that His priorities have not changed. So what does this have to do with our nation and our discouraging political and social situation I wanted to know. Well He said, it would seem you care more about your unstable currency than my priorities. Money is your god, that is why this latest downgrade has people in a tailspin. If you knew who I was would you care? If you knew Me as Jehovah Jireh, would you care?

Unlocking the potential of women entrepreneurship in India

I sat back and thought. Indeed, He was right. When was the last time I looked at the daily priorities in my business or career and asked the Lord how can I honour You Father by aligning my priorities with Yours? How do I ensure that my business or my career are part of the solution God designed to take care of the Lost, the Suffering, the Widows, the Orphan and ensure injustice is not perpetuated on my watch? I am ashamed to say though I pray for my business and pray for the day’s happenings I have never said Lord align what I do with what You cry out against, Your heartbeat Father. This is not to say that God does not use my businesses and career or will not use yours. He is so gracious that way. We really do not deserve to call Him Lord. But in thousands of years of human existence He has not changed what He wants us to keep our eyes on. If we want to see His hand, feel His glory and be a nation consecrated to Him, we need to rethink every institution. This rethink includes how we see our businesses. Are they a means to money to do the work of God or is money a by-product of doing the work of God in our businesses? If we are not on the same page as God we will keep hitting a spiritual ceiling.

This is one of the big reasons the institutions of Social development/Welfare/Health (the one that takes care of the suffering, sick, widow and orphan) as well as the judiciary (the eliminator of injustice) are constantly under attack along with the church (God’s plan to reach the Lost).  They carry this mandate. Imperfectly so but our enemy will not let us do the littlest thing that will advance God’s desire without a fight.

Let us change the way we see our role in advancing the Kingdom of God. This is how we will ‘see His Kingdom come’. I pray that today He speaks to your heart and opens your eyes revealing to you the deeper part of your calling to His purposes.


Isaiah 61:8

Matthew 25: 31 – 46


The New Economy by Thabo Mahlobo Page 230 (See prophetic word on South Africa’s Downgrade)

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