Last Thursday there was no doubt that as we walked into our prayer meeting many of us were carrying the burdens of th…
We asked and He is answering
When we had our Johannesburg Top Women for God prayer meeting this last Thursday, we knew God would be there. He guar…
It’s time for the She-Suite to take their seat in the boardroom
By Simthandile Ford with Gladys Chandia The world at large is currently faced with lurking signs of systemic stress i…
Ten things I would tell my younger self with Audrey Mbuyazi
Two things that stand out about Audrey are her love and the peace she seems to carry about her. It is easy to forget …
The Pushback
For a brief moment I feel disillusioned – dizzy, disoriented. That blow was hard! Much harder than I had antici…
Woman, thou art loosed…….into the marketplace!
By Gladys Chandia What do a stunning beauty Queen, an Enterprise development practitioner, an investment banker, a mo…