For a brief moment I feel disillusioned – dizzy, disoriented. That blow was hard! Much harder than I had antici…
Lead by the Spirit
Outside your comfort zone
By Jolly Mokorosi “…often, stepping outside your comfort zone is not careless irresponsibility, but a necessary…
3 ways your tongue is sabotaging your marriage
By Jolly Mokorosi Not so long ago I attended a women in leadership conference. One of the subjects raised was on how …
5 Ways We Work-proofed our Marriage
No doubt about it, work can be hard and demand more out of you than you ever imagined. Keeping your marriage healthy …
3 things to remember when you ‘miss the train’
I realised a bit belatedly that my train would be departing from platform 3 in about a minute – tops! With the …
Blessed for Success
A few years ago a former colleague of mine and I would recite the famous Klingon war cry “Qapla’ batlh je”, whi…