Back from Invasion Conference

Danny Silk with Jolly Mokorosi at the Invasion Conference

So off we went to see what we could see and had a really good but challenging time at the Invasion Conference hosted by His People Joburg in South Africa earlier this week. Plenty of good quality impartation from conference speakers Danny Silk and Kris Vallotton. A big surprise on the manner in which the issue of female leadership was raised and addressed with no punchs pulled. Not only did Danny Silk issue a new challenge to the church but really raised the bar.

This made us regroup and discuss how things happened in the organisations represented. We will be looking out for Danny Silk’s Institute for Women Leaders that he announced at the conference and keep you posted on any progress.  Also we are looking forward to reading and reviewing Danny’s new book. Look out for the review. Kris Vallotton was on point during the Business Breakfast when he challenged attendees to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their businesses/work lives. He called them the 5 levels of Spiritual Knowledge. They are:

  1. Word of Knowledge
  2. Gift of Discernment
  3. Gift of wisdom
  4. Gift of prophecy
  5. The mind of God

The story of him laying hands on a Chevy he was trying to fix (he is a motor industry diagnostician by profession) will rank high on the memorable stories list. Many conferences speakers dish out theory that they have never applied but it was great to hear Kris speak about how all this was used in his own business practically and with other unrelated businesses. A few of our favourite quotes:

‘Wrestle with God when there is a difference between your expectation and what is in the bible.’ Kris Valloton

‘If there are no apostles in church you will not find them in the market place or the government.’ Danny Silk

‘Whatever you misdiagnose you will mistreat.’ Kris Vallaton

‘I am looking to women again to bring forth and to birth what will change a generation.’ Danny Silk quoting a prophetic word received by Kim Clement

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